forgive >>you are human

 open forgiveness page , because you are a human ..

not wise person who lose  someone because of one mistake..

all of us humans and all fell into mistakes ..

but who recognize, who apologize ,is really have high moral level..

we hurt , but don’t make it revenging

imagine all mistakes like broke glass in the trash throwing it…

the real revenge is forgiveness, sets you free of hate

ready to erase everything, that’s pure hearts ..

not worth our lives sadness, today will goes, and tomorrow all cover in grave

be the first one who forgive, not weakness but brave heart

My birthplace


One place I miss , and still belong to
There I lived my first childhood
For a years I moved but it is pulses with my heart
The place that I never forget
Whatever I lived in this wide world
I will be excited to be in my birthplace
Between my friends and relatives …howc that is great! 😀